
Showing posts from June, 2020

My corona virus counts for Riverside County

JUNE 22 UPDATE  increase is 668  cases... 12 deaths JUNE 15th :  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 22 I wanted to get a baseline now that things are "opening" to see if there is an increase in cases as more and more people move about... Just me. Curious.  June 4th  - Tomorrow marks the first 2 weeks since "opening"  An increase of 10 deaths in 2 weeks.  and 237 cases. Now...we have added Mass rioting to the mix.  These pictures are From June 2nd

Since 7th grade

I'm not going to do the doesn't really matter..Kathy stopped me after Typing class and commented on my horrible typing. We sat in alphabetical order. I was SE - she was SU so sitting behind me on an electric typewriter Kathy heard --- peck...PECK...PECK... I don't think what she said was mean, it wasn't nice - it just was TRUTH. I was doing it wrong. I don't remember being bothered by what she said...and obviously we are best of friends. The thing of it is Kathy ACCEPTS ME 100% exactly how I am. She never tried to change me. Her room was so clean I was afraid to sit down. My room looked like a tornado went through, and I had just cleaned it. The differences between us are mind boggling - but none of it matters. We have plenty to talk about and learn and grow and enjoy with each other. Kathy was my first REAL friend - she set the standard for all others who followed behind. You had to accept me and not want to change me because Kathy did, so I knew it was p

Treasures from the Beach

Lauren and Alex went to the beach...they brought home shells and sea glass. It reminded me of when Anthony and I collected our own treasures so many years ago. We still have our jar, it sits on the dresser. 

Super Stress

Penny Fell off the Bed... she hit her stairs and hurt her right front leg. I can hardly take it. I sat with her all day Sunday. Finally Anthony said I could take her to the vet. I was so scared she tore a ligament or something by jerking in the fall. I knew it wasn't broken. So Monday I took her to our Vet here on Maude - Victoria Animal Hospital. It's where we took Kody. As usual they were amazing. Because of the virus we couldn't go inside with her. That was worth a Migraine right there... They took her back, examined her, X rays, blood work. I think the price was reasonable. And now I know she is bruised and needs a few days to heal. She has pain medicine to take 1 x per day. Not sure it did much, but we will see.  This WIPED ME OUT. I don't care who judges me. The worry was off the charts. I couldn't concentrate. I had a headache, an upset stomach and just sat with her for 2 days. I was in bed by 8pm last night. Finally I slept, because I didn't sleep Saturd

Graduation Day

It wasn't typical - but it was fun.  June 15th was "Graduation"  - we had a nice dinner in the back yard - then we played Apples to Apples. I have no idea why she would not let me take a picture. But here it is!

Jack is #1

He really is a great cat - but why can't he come sit and cuddle with me while I am watching TV? Why is it always when I am trying my darndest to make progress??? He pushed the 1 key and was "typing" for me..... 

Garden Fresh Dinner!

The zucchini was so delicious!

Reminders of my Mom

This lily plant just appeared - we moved in in October and I don't really remember ALL the plants, etc... But I do remember this Lilly plant seemed to appear out of an empty pot. It reminds me of my Mom. It would be something she loved. Every spring it blooms again - like a hello from heaven! 

progress in the garden!

The tomatoes are starting! I wonder who will get the strawberries first - us or the birds?  Zucchini for dinner! Red radish ready for my salad and wraps!

Who exactly is eating the squirrel food?

Are the birds getting the seeds and leaving the corn - or do I have picky squirrels? Anthony thinks it's the birds because the squirrels would not feel safe eating where I placed the dish, so I moved it to higher ground this time... we will see. 

Good thing I wasn't sitting there!

I have a bookshelf next to me in my office. The shelf with all my scrapbooks on it gave out causing a huge crash and everything under and above to fall directly on the area I sit. It was a bit of a chore cleaning it up and re-locating the scrapbooks, but I am indeed very glad I was NOT sitting there when it happened!

Doughnut day is worth the calories!

I was out of the house at 5:15 am on the first Friday in June in honor of Doughnut day. What can I say - my boy likes doughnuts!

Braces Be Gone!

Douglas "missed" three appointments with the orthodontist because of the State shut down that began March 13th. Well this week we were able to go back and have him seen. After DOUGLAS had to explain to them that no, he didn't have a retainer....he still had braces on... it was determined that NEXT MONTH he will get back into the queue and receive his fitting for the retainer so his braces can FINALLY come off!  I like to take pictures to commemorate these events...Douglas thinks - and I quote: That's Dumb. 

Graduation Dinner for Alex

Graduation Day was June 2. Alex was his class Salutatorian. That is an impressive accomplishment. To celebrate We gathered at our Saturday Night Game Night for a Dinner of his choosing and then we decorated Home Made cupcakes with my special frosting in His new school colors! 


What a day this turned out to be... On Tuesday June 2, a movement with the hashtag - TheShowMustBe Paused went bat SH!T crazy in my opinion.  It was promoted by the music industry to PAUSE ourselves, our music feeds and our MUSIC related activities for a day in support of making changes.  As usual people posted whatever the heck they wanted. with no regard to the true intention of the day. Which, on all accounts is their right...but every post turned into an argument over this or that and the finger pointing - oh for heavens sake.  I saw criticism for people who continued to post, people who think all lives matter, people who claim not to see color...the list goes on and on until it consumed me. Consumed me to the point I feel prosecuted as a white woman of privilege. Quit accusing me of crimes I didn't commit!  so I wrote this:  If I corrected you for using the "wrong hashtag" it was because I care about the cause we are supporting. I wanted it to get the credit it deser

2 weeks since we "opened" - and I'm comparing my statistics.

May 22 I wanted to get a baseline now that things are "opening" to see if there is an increase in cases as more and more people move about... Just me. Curious.  June 4th  - Tomorrow marks the first 2 weeks since "opening"  An increase of 10 deaths in 2 weeks.  and 237 cases. Now...we have added Mass rioting to the mix.  These pictures are From June 2nd

Comfort Drink

Everyone knows what comfort food is...but Rock Star is my Comfort Drink. The problem is sometimes I drink it so fast I forget to enjoy it... I only have 2 and this one is already gone.

Instagram Quizzes

I started being more active on my Instagram story by posting daily... It has been a LOT of work but it's fun. This quiz was hard actually. Brought back memories of high school when I put paper clips through my ears as earrings. What a rebel. 

Zoom PIctionary

This past Friday our "ZoomGirls" played Pictionary. These Game nights get better and better each week. Bingo is our rock solid and we play for cash, haha - but the way we mix it up and learn new things has been so amazing. This is not my drawing, but that of another team. 

Time to tap into my roots...

By roots I mean that I wanted to be a cosmetologist... My Senior year of high school I was going to take that path - cosmetology school that is... it is an honest and noble profession. My Aunt whom I admire greatly and her son both have their license to practice the art... However someone I trusted beyond measure, somehow convinced me to go to college and try that "for a year" . He was an up an coming Attorney in Riverside and I was the babysitter for his 3 young children. He was the voice of God that evening on the drive home because as they say - the rest is history... I am HAPPY to help my daughter color her hair in stages having to spend two days because I miss spots... But I'm even HAPPIER because I became a Teacher and followed the path God had chosen for me.