
Showing posts from February, 2019

One Month!

Crazy to think after 1 month my arm is "worse" than it was before surgery! - But it is... I can it raise it as high as I could before. I'm getting up and about and feeling better. I will be off work another 4 weeks! 

How Douglas Does School...

Douglas' room is getting a remodel, so his mattress is on the floor, he has no desk...does that stop him. NO WAY. This is how Douglas does school! 

It's Snowing

Anthony was off work so he had the pleasure of being my "UBER" driver...when we arrived at the doctor's office in Redlands it was actually SNOWING! We couldn't stay out in it, or build a snowman, but we did take time for a picture! 

One step forward, 2 steps back

I have no idea how I did it, but there is a muscle on my right side that is so out of whack it hurts to breathe. When we returned home from the Gala Saturday night I could barely make it into the house I was in so much pain. Perhaps I am working my arm to hard and over compensating. Perhaps I am tense when out in public. Whatever is happening it is a spiral of backwards progress. I try so hard to have a positive attitude, to work hard, to be ready to go back to work... I have exactly 2 weeks left and sometimes I don't see how it will be possible. I was awake last night every hour. If I take pain medication it gives me  headache and I need to "recover" for a full day. - I was useless yesterday - so last night I braved the night - and now I'm functioning on no sleep. I know it will get better. I know I didn't take 5 weeks off to enjoy myself. But 5 weeks of constant struggle and I'm going to go back exhausted and cranky. I want to go back refreshed and able to

SCA Gala

We had a wonderful time celebrating the 65th Anniversary of St. Catherine of Alexandria School last night. Amazing event! I bought myself a piece of SCA, a desk decorated by current Super Saints.

No Rides can be fun

It has been raining a lot, so Anthony has been home. The girls were off for Lincoln's Birthday so we decided to head to Disneyland today and have a Handicapped adventure day. It was really fun! Here is our agenda for the day: Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln ride the Train around Disneyland (pictured above) Main Street Cinema Starbucks Tiki Room Jungle Cruise Tarzan's tree house Fed ducks gold fish crackers Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Megan and Dougga single rider Splash Mountain Pizza Planet for lunch Mark Twain river boat Pirates Cove Mommy got balloon as we were leaving

Phone Consultation

It was really nice... yesterday and today my boss called me to keep me posted on things going on at work he thought I should know. I know I should be resting, but next to my family work is my everything. Not being there hurts worse than my shoulder. Being connected and discussing the issues with him as if I were there had healing powers!

Valentine Treats

Each bug got their special candy this morning and I made sure dinner had something for everyone to enjoy! Chicken with marinated artichokes, pasta with Alfredo sauce and plenty of garlic bread! Exercises are killing me, but I won't give up! Happy Valentine's Day my friends!


Reality is hard to swallow sometimes. Went to the doctor yesterday, got my stitches out and some new exercises to do. I'm sleeping back in my bedroom. On the difficult side, as much as I wanted to go back to work it was decided that it is not in the best interest of my health. I face that fact, only to wake up today, my first day of new exercises ~ holy cow. I can't even lift my own arm to put it in the starting position!!! Surgery didn't hurt as much as retraining my muscles today. Today I cried. More than I truly want anyone to know. Tomorrow I will be stronger.

Meeting Charlotte

I got to meet Charlotte today. I am overwhelmed with emotions I have no words for. My children were not as perfect as she. Watch out world!

Dad's Birthday Card

This was the picture my dad put in my birthday card. He makes me a card every year. I turned 7 in this picture and I happen to still own this dress. We use it for "dress up". I cherish celebrating with him and hearing about how they brought me home from the hospital ( no car seats back then) during a horrible ice storm. I'm a blessing and so very loved, my daddy told me!

Good Day gone bad

I was so happy I got up and dressed myself... you see I was supposed to go bowling with my work friends... but a doozie of a headache turned a good day into a really bad one. I slept most of the day afraid of the interaction between the pain medication and the migraine medication... finally took a migraine pill at noon. By about 5 pm I was able to walk around somewhat normally. I slept on the couch by myself... Megan is off on her Confirmation retreat - the others offered, but really I don't need any help at night so I am ok. 

Pride & Prejudice

Spent the day watching all 6 episodes of Pride and Prejudice. That's resting.

The Encore Experience

Lauren was featured today on the Encore High School Instagram account. They are running a: "What will you take away from the Encore Experience" Feature.  Her reply:  A strong sense of responsibility and leadership (that was first started by my amazing mother through our fabulous homeschooling using the Thomas Jefferson Education model.) Encore gave me the opportunity to help lead the student body in ASB. (I never would have been elected without the clever idea of these fantastic give aways my mom helped me with):  Encore has also given me a chance to express myself in ways most public schools can't. Encore has also given many opportunities to perform with other talented artists and students (another skill I developed through my homeschool summer camp program theater experience, "Camp Crabtree, where we put on a theatrical production each summer). I want to go to college to be a psychologist. My goal is to earn my doctorate degree in medical psycholo

Fuzzy Socks and Heated Dog

Started my day sorting all my pictures from 2011. Then I sat down to rest... 2.5 hours later I wake up. Seriously the napping has got to stop. I’m over it. It was freezing today. Thankfully I have my fuzzy socks and Chinese dog specially designed for warmth!

Embellishment drawers

Worked on labeling embellishment drawers today. Almost done. No nap today! It's 5pm and I'm exhausted, lol.

I thought it was Sunday

I asked Douglas to help me in the Garage, then I said: ok buddy you can go back to school now. Douglas said in his dry voice: "oh, wow. I have been building Legos. I thought it was Sunday because Dad was home."  Good gracious I leave this kid home to take care of himself....

Enjoying the View

Princess and I are relaxing with the rain and a beautiful fire this morning. Stiff and sore, seriously over the sling and its only been a week. One handed napping Wonder Woman has some plans this week.

Super Bowl Birthday

Celebrating my God Mother in Law's birthday. Always a blessing to be with family and so nice to get out of the house.

My Nest!

We just finished watching Jane Eyre with my favorite, Michael Fassbender. I have to say I may have overdone it today, had to take some pain medicine. But, all in all, it was a great day. I’m glad to be back on my couch ready for bed.

Birthday Gift Surprise!

About a week ago my friend posted this adorable mug rug on her page. She said it was for a friend.  I never dreamed it was for me!!!  But boy did I covet this creation. I have received a few if these beautiful "mug rugs" but this is by far my favorite. Thank you Emily!

No phone Call

My Birthday has always been a really awesome day. I make a HUGE deal out of it. You would call me every year. Now you don't. I'm not saying you ruin my birthday, but it kinda does. I sat in my room and cried just because you were not going to call. So there you have it Little Brother, you are still being a jerk pain in the butt and ruining stuff for me. And I hate that I feel this way. I miss you so much. I seems to be getting harder, not easier.

Bandage Removal

The most pain by far was removing the bandage. I am allergic to the adhesive. Apparently in the 14 years since Douglas has been alive there have been no changes. That adhesive ate my skin. I didn't cry, but I'm telling you it was really close. Took us an hour to get it off.  Wishing I was still taking the pain medication, lol.


I'm trying to rest, but it's seriously crowded around here.