
Showing posts from February, 2018

Standing in the Corner???

This is how I get a bad reputation. Seriously... this student was looking at the picture. Details. and it looks like I made him stand in the corner. He stood there for 10 minutes staring, until another student pointed out what it looked like. Then we all laughed. I just had to take a picture. Do they set me up??? Another day in the life....

Long Beach Comic Convention

Each of them have their own unique personality....

My Geeky Valentine

He actually ordered whatever this is himself...but hey - Happy Valentine's Day Hunny! 

Wonder Woman Party

My Class Surprised me with this WONDERFUL Party!


It was a great evening honoring Mr. Landin as he was awarded the Distinguished Principal award. I'm glad he liked his gift. I worked hard picking it out! I am blessed to work for a person that shares the qualities of Jackie Robinson!