
Showing posts from October, 2019

Douglas' Girlfriend

Meet Hannah. She is the new puppy belonging to a very dear friend of ours.   Douglas was asked to "Dog sit" and help Hannah potty train and socialize.  When he asked his dad - he phrased it in typical Douglas fashion saying he had a HOT DATE and wondered if they should "hang out at my house or hers? Anthony is pretty savvy and said: What is it with a CAT?... no it's this adorable puppy! Whom will now always be known as Douglas' First Girlfriend! 

Praying to the Gods of Creative Cutter

After 15 years this old friend has suddenly stopped working. We discovered Princess our cat has been chewing the cord. So Amazon to the rescue! Thankfully the new cord works, and I'm back in business!

Scrappy Sisters!

These women (And more not pictured) are my lifeline, my rocks, my strength through life. They have helped me raise my children and given me the advice my mother could not. Never a criticism, just love. Time with them always refreshes my soul and I am SO GLAD God has given me more time in which to benefit from these women. 

Bunny Sighting!

I don't know what it is about seeing a bunny - but INSTANT JOY! I wish I could have a pet bunny, like a cat... no cage, litter box trained, sleeps on my bed...does the dishes, ha ha ha!

Orb Weaver

Creepy and beautiful all at the same time!  This spider is thankfully not poisonous to humans. I hope he catches a good dinner. 

Mini Fire Pit

It's finally cool enough to test out my mini fire pit. I hope it gives off enough heat!