
Showing posts from August, 2019

New Name

When you have spent your entire career as a teacher - you become MRS. GANDARA Now I have a new job - and can use my NAME! 

First Day Senior Year

My middle child started her senior year. I have to admit...I teared up dropping her off. I'm proud of my Goosie, but still long to be her teacher myself! 

Passed the Test

In my old job, I gave tests...well, Today I had to take an online class and at the end, pass a Test. I wasn't really worried, but still relieved when I did pass. I learned a LOT and am glad I have not killed my family yet. I will be changing a few things about food-prep at home as a result of what I learned. 

Blast From the Past!

When the kids were little we LOVED to take them to Fazoli's! It is a fast food Italian restaurant. While Driving in Norco on Saturday we saw one! So we took them! They were under-whelmed - but Anthony and I loved it. So we will be back!

Camp Rosas

Another Summer- Another weekend with their Grand-God Parents and Cousins. So lucky to have this family.