Since 7th grade

I'm not going to do the doesn't really matter..Kathy stopped me after Typing class and commented on my horrible typing. We sat in alphabetical order. I was SE - she was SU so sitting behind me on an electric typewriter Kathy heard --- peck...PECK...PECK... I don't think what she said was mean, it wasn't nice - it just was TRUTH. I was doing it wrong. I don't remember being bothered by what she said...and obviously we are best of friends. The thing of it is Kathy ACCEPTS ME 100% exactly how I am. She never tried to change me. Her room was so clean I was afraid to sit down. My room looked like a tornado went through, and I had just cleaned it. The differences between us are mind boggling - but none of it matters. We have plenty to talk about and learn and grow and enjoy with each other. Kathy was my first REAL friend - she set the standard for all others who followed behind. You had to accept me and not want to change me because Kathy did, so I knew it was possible. God sure does send us who we need in our lives! I can't even imagine how my life would have turned out if I didn't have this model of friendship! 


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