One step forward, 2 steps back

I have no idea how I did it, but there is a muscle on my right side that is so out of whack it hurts to breathe. When we returned home from the Gala Saturday night I could barely make it into the house I was in so much pain. Perhaps I am working my arm to hard and over compensating. Perhaps I am tense when out in public. Whatever is happening it is a spiral of backwards progress. I try so hard to have a positive attitude, to work hard, to be ready to go back to work... I have exactly 2 weeks left and sometimes I don't see how it will be possible. I was awake last night every hour. If I take pain medication it gives me  headache and I need to "recover" for a full day. - I was useless yesterday - so last night I braved the night - and now I'm functioning on no sleep. I know it will get better. I know I didn't take 5 weeks off to enjoy myself. But 5 weeks of constant struggle and I'm going to go back exhausted and cranky. I want to go back refreshed and able to serve my students. I'm up and moving today...going to give the day my all. and hope that I can truly begin to move forward without having these huge setbacks.


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