
What a day this turned out to be... On Tuesday June 2, a movement with the hashtag - TheShowMustBe Paused went bat SH!T crazy in my opinion. 

It was promoted by the music industry to PAUSE ourselves, our music feeds and our MUSIC related activities for a day in support of making changes. 

As usual people posted whatever the heck they wanted. with no regard to the true intention of the day. Which, on all accounts is their right...but every post turned into an argument over this or that and the finger pointing - oh for heavens sake. 

I saw criticism for people who continued to post, people who think all lives matter, people who claim not to see color...the list goes on and on until it consumed me. Consumed me to the point I feel prosecuted as a white woman of privilege. Quit accusing me of crimes I didn't commit! 

so I wrote this: 

If I corrected you for using the "wrong hashtag" it was because I care about the cause we are supporting. I wanted it to get the credit it deserved.

If I posted statistics it's because I see them as a problem that needs fixing too. Rarely does one problem exist in isolation.

If I support my friends in law enforcement it does not negate my support of Black Lives and my friends who are black.

If I say I don't see color don't tell me that's MY PROBLEM! HOW on earth was I supposed to know LOVING EVERYONE EQUALLY was a PROBLEM and I was supposed to NOTICE skin color? (this one really gets me to my core.) I don't see gender either while we are at it, so I'm just really messed up.

I'm white, I'm even labeled privileged. I didn't ask to be. I'm doing MY BEST. I'm navigating through this TOO - being as supportive as I KNOW HOW.

If I commented on your post it's because I care. PERIOD. I don't have time to waste on things I don't care about or issues I don't want to see change. If you don't like exactly what I said, I'm sorry - again - I can assure you, I was doing MY BEST.

Posting telling people not to judge and to be kind - is in fact judgement because you don't know me, you don't know my heart, you don't know my walk with the Lord.

I want to look people in the eye and NOT be afraid of "saying the wrong thing" when I go to the grocery store.

And lastly, please, for the love of God, don't mistake my silence as failure to be supportive. I'm going back to posting pictures of birds, my kids and my garden. I love everyone, and I will continue to treat people as I always have, with all the Love and Kindness in my soul.

And true to who I am... I have returned to posting pictures of my ordinary life, so I can use Facebook for what I intended it... to keep in touch with those I love. 

Christy's Picture of the day is to record history. This week has been Historic for sure. 

Jesus I trust in YOU. 


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