Moving Forward

I haven't announced to the world that I was let go - until today. Now I can be at peace and move forward.
Back in May I placed a huge decision in God's hands. I completely placed my life and the direction it would go at the mercy of HIS WILL... of course I *thought* His Will was safe and secure, but in fact, God has a way of surprising us. In a crazy turn of events my contract as a Teacher with St. Catherine's School was not renewed for the 2019-20 school year. I find myself continuing to Trust God in ways surprising even myself. I have many talents, and teaching was only 1 of them. God has set a different path before me for now and I look forward to the adventure it brings me. I have accepted a part time position with Apples and Oranges Food Service and will also be working my scrapbooking business again. Both, I am confident, will bring me joy, allow me to spend time with my family, and leave my heart open to hear God's call.
Often God shuts a door in our face so that He can open the door through which He wants us to go. - Catherine Marshall (the author of the book "Christy" from which I am named.)
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