Innocent enough, but this sassy little teenager stole this Sprite from the teacher's lounge. She thinks now without her braces she can just drink all sorts of soda.
What a day this turned out to be... On Tuesday June 2, a movement with the hashtag - TheShowMustBe Paused went bat SH!T crazy in my opinion. It was promoted by the music industry to PAUSE ourselves, our music feeds and our MUSIC related activities for a day in support of making changes. As usual people posted whatever the heck they wanted. with no regard to the true intention of the day. Which, on all accounts is their right...but every post turned into an argument over this or that and the finger pointing - oh for heavens sake. I saw criticism for people who continued to post, people who think all lives matter, people who claim not to see color...the list goes on and on until it consumed me. Consumed me to the point I feel prosecuted as a white woman of privilege. Quit accusing me of crimes I didn't commit! so I wrote this: If I corrected you for using the "wrong hashtag" it was because I care about the cause we are supporting. I wanted it to get the credi...
I haven't announced to the world that I was let go - until today. Now I can be at peace and move forward. Back in May I placed a huge decision in God's hands. I completely placed my life and the direction it would go at the mercy of HIS WILL... of course I *thought* His Will was safe and secure, but in fact, God has a way of surprising us. In a crazy turn of events my contract as a Teacher with St. Catherine's School was not renewed for the 2019-20 school year. I find myself continuing to Trust God i n ways surprising even myself. I have many talents, and teaching was only 1 of them. God has set a different path before me for now and I look forward to the adventure it brings me. I have accepted a part time position with Apples and Oranges Food Service and will also be working my scrapbooking business again. Both, I am confident, will bring me joy, allow me to spend time with my family, and leave my heart open to hear God's call. Often God shuts a door in our face so...
I'm not going to do the doesn't really matter..Kathy stopped me after Typing class and commented on my horrible typing. We sat in alphabetical order. I was SE - she was SU so sitting behind me on an electric typewriter Kathy heard --- peck...PECK...PECK... I don't think what she said was mean, it wasn't nice - it just was TRUTH. I was doing it wrong. I don't remember being bothered by what she said...and obviously we are best of friends. The thing of it is Kathy ACCEPTS ME 100% exactly how I am. She never tried to change me. Her room was so clean I was afraid to sit down. My room looked like a tornado went through, and I had just cleaned it. The differences between us are mind boggling - but none of it matters. We have plenty to talk about and learn and grow and enjoy with each other. Kathy was my first REAL friend - she set the standard for all others who followed behind. You had to accept me and not want to change me because Kathy did, so I knew it was p...
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